Senin, 17 September 2018

Static and Pseudo-Static Support and Reinforcement Systems

It is perhaps remarkable to find that, although rock and cable bolts have been used in underground mining and construction for several decades (if not more than 100 years in the case of rock bolts), bolt elements and bolting systems continue to evolve and improve. The papers presented to this symposium detail advances made in fully encapsulated resin and cement grouted bolts (Mikula 2004, Mould et al. 2004, Neindorf 2004), one pass mechanized bolting (Mikula 2004, Neindorf 2004) and bulbed cables (Yumlu & Bawden 2004), for example.
The developments in ground support practices that have accompanied greater productivity, larger excavations and larger equipment are especially well-illustrated in the paper by Neindorf (2004) describing the evolution of ground support practices at the Mount Isa mine over the past 30 years.

In a detailed and valuable review paper, Windsor (2004) concludes that “the quality and performance of cable bolts used to stabilise temporary, non-entry, production excavations have improved over the last 20 years to the point where they are now an essential part of modern mining practice. Cable bolts have provided the industry with increased production, increased safety and increased flexibility in the extraction process.
However, with the development of wider span haulage and other larger mine openings, cable bolts are now also used to secure longer life, infrastructure excavations.” Windsor (2004) recommends “that greater care and attention to detail be invested during selection and installation of cable bolts for mine infrastructure excavations than that given to mine production excavations”. He identifies, in particular, the importance of the control of the geometry, material quality, installation and testing of the barrel and wedge fittings used as cable grips.
It is also important to recognize that the use and effectiveness of rock and cable bolts in Australia’s underground coal mines have developed considerably in the recent past. Hebblewhite et al. (2004) suggest that the significant trends over the last decade have included:
- use of longer bolts;
- use of partial and predominantly full-encapsulation, polyester resin anchored bolts;
- use of threaded bolt fixing systems;
- adoption of bolt pre-tensioning in an increasing number of applications;
- adoption of different grades of steel to achieve stiffer and stronger bolts; and
- variations to bolt deform patterns and ribbing systems for improved anchorage and load transfer performance.
An issue that has long existed, but has often been over-looked, is the corrosion resistance and longevity of rock and cable bolts. The initial Snowy Mountains installations which are generally regarded as having pioneered the systematic use of rock bolting in Australia (e.g. Brown 1999b) are now more than 50 years old. It was inevitable, therefore, that this issue would assume the increasing importance accorded it by the papers presented to this symposium (e.g. Bertuzzi 2004, Hassell et al. 2004, Hebblewhite et al. 2004, Satola & Aromaa 2004, Windsor 2004). As noted by Hassell et al. (2004) and Potvin & Nedin (2004), the long-term corrosion resistance of the popular friction rock stabilizers, remains an issue. Corrosion protection is one of the advantages offered by fully encapsulated bolts and cables.
However, there are suggestions that cement grouting alone does not provide long-term (e.g. 100 year) corrosion protection (Bertuzzi 2004). For long-term protection, two independent corrosion barriers are usually required. Depending on the atmosphere and the mineralogy and groundwater conditions in the rock mass, corrosion may also affect surface fixtures such as plates and nuts as well as the bolts and cables themselves. Of course, galvanizing provides protection to the steel underneath but not necessarily for long periods of time (Hassell et al. 2004, Windsor 2004).
Interestingly, in a detailed inspection of 50 km of 35–40 year old tunnels in the Snowy Mountains Scheme, Rosin & Sundaram (2003) found the mainly fully cement grouted, hollow core mild steel bolts to be in excellent condition, showing little evidence of corrosion. An approximately 5 mm protective grout or bitumen coating applied to the bolt threads and face plates appeared to have worked very well. Carefully controlled installation and grouting is a necessary pre-condition for the achievement of such performance (Windsor 2004).
With increasing knowledge, experience and the availability of a range of analytical and numerical tools, rock and cable bolt installations are now being designed for increasingly demanding operational conditions in both civil engineering and underground mining. However, the most successful installations are usually those whose performance is monitored by a well-designed instrumentation system as part of a systematic observational approach (e.g. Moosavi et al. 2004, Thibodeau 2004, Thin et al. 2004, Tyler & Werner 2004, Yumlu & Bawden, 2004).


Over the last decade, increasing use has been made of shotcrete for ground support and control in infrastructure, development and production excavations in underground mines in Australia and elsewhere. Clements (2003) reports that nearly 100,000 m3 of shotcrete is applied annually in some 20 underground mines in Australia. Advances have been made in mix design, testing, spraying technology and admixtures which have combined to improve the effectiveness of shotcrete. Wet-mix fibre-reinforced shotcrete is now the industry standard.
Of course, shotcrete has long been an essential part of support and reinforcement systems in underground civil construction where its use is well-established even for softer ground than that commonly met in underground mining (Kovari 2001). In underground mining, shotcrete is now used to good effect not only for infrastructure excavations, in weak ground (e.g. Yumlu & Bawden, 2004), for rehabilitation, and in heavy static or pseudo-static loading conditions (e.g. Tyler & Werner 2004), but as a component of support and reinforcement systems for dynamic or rockburst conditions (e.g. Li et al. 2003, 2004).
The toughness or energy absorbing capacity of fibre-reinforced shotcrete is particularly important in this application. A new toughness standard, the Round Determinate Panel test, has been developed in Australia and adopted in some other countries (Bernard 2000, 2003). The performance of fibre-reinforced shotcrete measured in these tests can vary significantly with the type (usually steel or polypropylene structural synthetic fibres) and dosage of fibres used.

Mesh and sprayed liners

Another important change in support and reinforcement practice in underground mining in recent years has been the increasing emphasis being placed on mesh and sprayed liners of several types as a primary ground control mechanism. Although, because of the large quantities used and its importance as a support technique, shotcrete has been treated here as a special category of support, it is often included with other techniques in the class of spray-on liners (e.g. Spearing & Hague 2003). The overall subject of mesh and sprayed liners has become so significant that it now has its own series of specialist international meetings.
In some mining districts such as those in Western Australia and Ontario, Canada, mining regulations and codes of practice now require that some form of surface support, usually mesh, be used in all personnel entry excavations. In Western Australia, the Code of Practice applies to all headings that are higher than 3.5 m and requires that surface support be installed down to at least 3.5 m from the floor (Mines Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board 1999). These provisions form part of the steps being taken to understand and alleviate the rockfall hazard in Western Australia’s, and Australia’s, underground metalliferous mines (Lang & Stubley 2004, Potvin & Nedin 2004).

Immersion of Metals and Alloys

It is the differential electrical potential between the anode (+) and the cathode (-) which is key to the moist corrosion example described above. This differential is primarily generated by the difference in oxygen availability between the edge and the centre of the water droplet.
Differential potentials can also be generated by the presence (and contact) of dissimilar metals immersed in an oxygenated electrolyte solution (Illston et al., 1979; Bryson, 1987). Corrosion induced by such a coupling can be extremely aggressive and can result from the designed use of dissimilar metals (steel cables with aluminum plates or anchors) or from the presence of cablebolts in a rich sulphide ore. Indeed, rock bolts in sulphide ore bodies have significantly reduced service lives (Hoey and Dingley, 1971; Gunasekera, 1992).

Corrosion cells can also be generated on cablebolt surfaces at the point where abrupt transitions in environment occur. These include differential grout coverage, for example, at the borehole collar, at penetrating cracks in the grout, where the cable crosses a local water table, or within voids in the grout column. Oxygen (atmospheric or dissolved) is the critical component of the cathodic reaction discussed so far.
The concentration of oxygen is therefore a critical factor governing the rate of corrosion. In aqueous environments with high levels of acidity or low pH, however, the hydrogen (H ) ions in the acid solution react +cathodically with the free electrons in the steel to form hydrogen gas (H ). This 2 reaction is countered as before by the release of iron ions from the steel and does not require the presence of oxygen. While oxygen concentration normally controls corrosion rate (loss of iron ions), the acid (H ) reaction dominates below a pH of +4 and can become extremely aggressive.
Although it is not as common as oxygen related corrosion, acid corrosion can pose a serious hazard to mine support (Gunasekera, 1992) due to its accelerated rate. Sampling of groundwater and/or mine water for pH is relatively simple so the risk can be easily determined. In Canada, mine water with a pH of 2.8 has been recorded in underground mines, and measurements of 3-4 are not uncommon (Minick and Olson, 1987). Acidic mine water can often be linked to the oxidation of sulphide ores (primarily pyrite and marcasite) resulting in the generation of sulphuric acid and pH levels as low as 1.5-2 (Gunasekera, 1992).
In addition, there are many species of bacteria which flourish in the underground environment and which greatly accelerate the breakdown of sulphides to form sulphuric acid. Different species are active with and without the presence of oxygen. Such bacteria can accelerate the production of acid in mine waters by a factor of four with a related increase in corrosion rate.

Accelerated Corrosion

Of primary consideration in cablebolting is the acceleration of any of these corrosion processes at points of excessive strain in the cablebolt. As steel is strained in tension or in shear across a joint in the rock by rockmass movement, or bent by improper plate installation, the susceptibility to all forms of corrosion increases. Any protective surface rust is cracked by such strain exposing fresh surfaces. Microscopic cracks formed in areas of high strain create corrosion conduits beyond the steel surface. In addition, the strained ionic bonding in the metal increases the potential for iron-electrolyte interaction and hydrogen embrittlement (Littlejohn and Bruce, 1975).
This so-called stress corrosion cracking is important because cables will tend to corrode much more rapidly in aggressive environments exactly when and where their mechanical integrity is most tested and is most critical. In the case of grouted cablebolts, load concentrations along the cable length are usually related to full cracking and separation across the grout column. This allows direct and focussed attack on the stressed steel by corrosive agents. Stress corrosion is often the final mechanism in cablebolt failure in corrosive environments.

Cablebolt Geometry Effects

In general, the high carbon steels used in the manufacture of cablebolt strand are more corrosion resistant than the steels used in conventional rock bolts. Nevertheless, certain features of the grouted cablebolt which increase its potential for detrimental corrosion include the presence of flutes (v-grooves), internal channels between the outer wires and the king wires, as well as the formation of concentrated corrosion sites at separation planes in the rock and grout. Voids and bubbles in the grout column also create potential corrosion cells.

Summary Recommendations for Corrosive Environments

Corrosion is rarely a problem in open stope cable support, simply due to the short service life involved. Cut and fill stopes can be open for up to a year or more and overhead cables should, therefore, not be allowed to corrode to unacceptable levels during this time. Fractured, sulphide ore bodies require special attention in this regard. Corrosion of cablebolts (and other steel support) in permanent mine openings can cause serious problems in terms of safety and rehabilitation. In addition to normal capacity reduction, corroded cables tend to become brittle and can suffer reduced effectiveness in dynamic loading situations. The factors which contribute to corrosion are often complex, are compounded in an underground environment, and are very difficult to combat in areas of high severity. Nevertheless, the following is a brief list of remedial measures for use when corrosion has been identified as a problem (Littlejohn, 1990; Gunasekera, 1992).

Cablebolt storage

- Store cablebolts in a dry location, preferably moving them underground to the working site only when required. Long-term storage outside, under the sun or exposed to the elements should also be avoided.
- Do not allow water to collect on the cablebolts. Corrosion will quickly fill the flutes reducing bond strength and potentially pitting the steel.

Installed cablebolts

- High humidity accelerates corrosion. Good ventilation at all times can help to reduce this factor.
- Use caution when installing cables in areas with flowing water.
- Avoid any use of cements, mixing water or admixtures containing chlorides, sulphides or sulphites.
- Grout voids and bubbles increase corrosion potential.
- Request that plates, barrels and wedges, and other fixtures are electro-chemically compatible with the high strength carbon steel used in strand.
- Long rust stalactites growing rapidly from the ends of uphole cables indicates potentially severe strand corrosion up the hole.
- Sulphate resistant grouts are alkaline and can counteract acidic mine waters. The use of this cement does not permit the use of such waters for grout mixing.

Severe corrosion

- Epoxy-encapsulated cables are available for use in corrosive environments (Windsor, 1992). Note that such coatings may not be resistant to all forms of corrosion and that the coating must penetrate the strand, encapsulating the king-wire to prevent focussed corrosion down the centre of the strand.
- Galvanized cable would be of use against non-acidic corrosion.
- Grease can protect ungrouted lengths of cable (at the collar, for example).
Other more costly measures such as cathodic protection are discussed in Littlejohn and Bruce (1975) and Littlejohn (1990; 1993).

Corrosion of Steel Strand

Corrosion of high carbon steel strand can be a serious problem in long term civil engineering applications. In mining, however, the incidences of cablebolt corrosion causing serious problems are rare. This is due primarily to the short time frame involved in open stope support in underground mining.
Corrosion problems observed by the authors in mining environments were typically in long term support in open pits where the groundwater was acidic or saline and in long term support in underground sulphide deposits. Cut and fill applications in wet conditions where fractured stope backs could remain (supported) for up to a year were notably susceptible to corrosion. Serious failure, due to corrosion and rupture of the strand, can occur in such applications.

The nature of corrosion is extremely complex and a fundamental discussion is beyond the scope of this book. It is the intent here to discuss some of the important factors involved in corrosion so that the engineer may assess the potential for problematic corrosion and take steps to prevent it or make the appropriate design allowances for it.
Most common refined metals are inherently unstable ionic materials composed of arrays of single atoms which possess a full compliment of electrons. Metals such as iron normally tend to give up electrons at room temperature (gold is a notable exception) and become involved in reactions leading to the formation of more stable compounds such as iron oxide or iron hydroxide (rust). The release of electrons is termed an anodic reaction and the acceptance of electrons a cathodic reaction. Both reactions must occur for corrosion to take place. Since metals such as the iron found in steel cable are normally willing to give up their electrons, it is normally the presence of a cathode which determines the corrosion potential.
The cathodic reaction (involving the consumption of electrons released anodically from the iron) can be made possible by the presence of an acid, sulphate, water and/or oxygen.
Corrosion of steel (iron) can be divided into four basic categories (Illston et al., 1979; Pohlman, 1987):
- Dry corrosion
- Wet corrosion
- Corrosion of immersed metals and alloys Induced or accelerated corrosion (includes influence of stress)
The following discussion is confined to corrosion of cablebolts and as such is incomplete as a comprehensive examination of general corrosion.

Dry Corrosion

Dry corrosion is an inevitable consequence of medium- to long-term storage of cablebolts in even the most ideal conditions. It involves the formation of iron oxide (Fe0) as iron atoms combine with atmospheric oxygen. Once the process initiates on a clean surface, it spreads fairly rapidly to involve most of the exposed surface. While Fe0 forms an adherent film on steel surfaces and can actually form an impervious layer, it can be vulnerable to cracking and as such fresh iron is constantly being exposed and the process continues. In the perspective of cablebolting in mining, however, dry oxidation is a relatively slow chemical process and is of only minor consequence. Light surface (dry) corrosion has been shown (Goris, 1990) to improve bond performance of cablebolts by up to 20% in ideal conditions, although deliberate rusting of cablebolts is not advocated by the authors. The process is accelerated by higher surface temperatures (e.g. if the cables are exposed daily, over long periods, to direct and intense sunlight).
Heavy surface rust on newly shipped cables is usually the result of exposure to moisture and subsequent atmospheric corrosion which can be very detrimental to the performance of the cablebolts.

Wet or Atmospheric Corrosion

In a wet or humid environment, the corrosion process is accelerated and can involve a wider variety of cathodic reactions. Water and oxygen become jointly involved in the cathodic reaction and result in other compounds such as 2Fe(OH) ,3Fe O (magnetite), or Fe O (hema 3 4 2 3 tite). These compounds are much less adhesive then FeO and less likely to form a self-arresting film.
Corrosion products formed on cablebolts by wet corrosion are more likely to have a greasy feel as compared to the dry, rough texture of FeO film and are more likely to be associated with other film substances such as oils and additional moisture. These products are likely to have a detrimental effect on bond capacity of cablebolts. Clearly, unchecked corrosion reduces the cross-sectional area of steel in the cable and ultimately reduces the tensile capacity of the steel to unacceptable levels. Ductility and displacement capacity is also reduced (embrittlement).
The presence of water on the surface of the cablebolt also increases the potential for galvanic corrosion. The same wet corrosion cathodic reactions occur, accelerated by the presence of an electrolyte such as chloride, sulphate or hydroxide. Without electrolytes in a static solution, the corrosion process is self-limiting. Iron ions (e.g. Fe ) move into solution adjacent to the steel surface 2+ leaving behind free electrons (2e ) in the steel solid. The concentration of iron ions -in solution and free electrons in the steel creates an electrical potential difference which resists further dissolution of iron ions.
The effects of electrolytes in the surface water is best illustrated in the above example. A drop of water on the surface of the steel contains a dissolved electrolyte such as sodium chloride (which forms a solution of free sodium, Na ,+ and chloride, Cl , ions). The presence of electrolytes permits the transport of iron - ions as FeCl away from the corrosion (anode) site at the centre of the drop. At the same time, water and oxygen combine at the perimeter of the drop with the free electrons from the steel to form hydroxide ions (OH ) balanced by Na in solution. - + These move in the opposite direction to the FeCl generating a current (electron flow) in the steel supplying electrons to the drop perimeter as more iron ions go into the solution at the drop centre. Between the active centre (anode) and the drop perimeter (cathode) the iron ions combine with the hydroxide to form ferrous hydroxide.
This in turn becomes a relatively stable and complex hydrated oxide known as rust. The sodium and chloride transport ions are freed to carry on the process. The cyclic nature of the process combined with the fact that the corrosion product (rust) is not deposited at the anode (as it is with dry corrosion) means that this form of galvanic corrosion is not self-limiting and can be very aggressive. This is particularly true in mining environments given the high concentration of chloride and sulphate ions in mine waters (Minick and Olson, 1987).
Moist corrosion is particularly enhanced by crevices such as those formed by the flutes of a cable. Crevices are particularly good at retaining moisture and the conditions are perfect for differential aeration with low oxygen supply at the tip of the crevice compared with the rest of the cable. If a weak electrolyte is present, an aggressive corrosion cell is thus generated. This corrosion is particularly detrimental as the corrosion product (rust) readily fills the flutes of the cable preventing the penetration of grout and seriously reducing the cable/grout interlock essential for cable bond strength.

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

6 Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Membandel Secara Alami dan Efektif

Cara menghilangkan jerawat membandel secara alami dan efektif merupakan rangkaian cara mengatasi jerawat yang kami tulis spesial dalam blog ini.

Sebelumnya pernah diulas lengkap mulai jenis-jenis jerawat, penyebab jerawat, menghilangkan jerawat alami, menghilangkan jerawat batu hingga menghilangkan bekas jerawat seperti noda hitam atau bopeng akibat jerawat dan lain sebagainya yang berhubungan dengan masalah seputar masalah utama remaja ini.

Ya benar jerawat merupakan masalah umum yang harus dihadapi sebagian besar orang terutama remaja.

 Jerawat memiliki banyak sekali jenis dan cara penangannya, setiap jenis jerawat harus ditangani secara berbeda jika tidak maka akan semakin parah.

Ada banyak tantangan bagi penderita jerawat seperti tidak boleh memencet dengan kuku dan lain sebagainya yang harus dipatuhi jika tidak ingin jerawat sembuh meninggalkan bekas seperti flek hitam atau bahkan bopeng bekas jerawat.

Memang ada banyak cara dan solusi yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasi jerawat yang muncul pada wajah ataupun punggung.

Diantaranya seperti membeli beragam obat diapotik, menggunakan bahan-bahan alami dan pergi kedokter atau klinik yang memang berpengalaman dibidangnya.

Menggunakan obat yang mengandung bahan kimia tidak kami sarankan karena memiliki resiko yang sangat tinggi akan lebih baik jika langsung melakukan konsultasi pada dokter sehingga akan lebih cepat sembuh.

Cara lain yang cukup efektif, murah dan tak beresiko adalah menggunakan bahan-bahan alami atau bahan tradisional yang sejak dulu menjadi andalan nenek moyang kita.

Cara menghilangkan jerawat membandel image

Cara Mengatasi Jerawat Membandel Secara Alami, Cepat dan Efektif

Minggu, 30 April 2017

Mengejutkan, Inilah 4 Hp Xiaomi yang berkerja sama dengan Sony

Hai guys, Hari ini Z akan Share tentang Smartphone Buatan Xiaomi yang menggunakan Kamera Sony. Sony dan Xiaomi ternyata selama ini berkaloborasi terhadap Kamera smartphonenya karna Kamera Sony adalah Kamera Smartphone yang sangat memiliki khualitas yang tinggi. mau tau tipe apa saja? Nih
4 Smartphone Xiaomi yang menggunakan kamera Sony

1. Xiaomi Mi 4c RAM 2GB ROM 16GB

Kamera utama di hape Xiaomi Mi 4c ini sudah memakai sensor 
kamera Sony IMX258 yang dibekali lensa beresolusi 13 megapiksel
yang sudah dilengkapi dengan LED Flash dual tone. Yang membuat kalian