Selasa, 25 Juni 2019

Wiranto: Kita Akan Cari Tokoh Yang Buat Onar Jelang Pengumuman MK

GELORA.CO - Menteri Koordinator bidang Politik, Hukum, dan HAM (Menkumham) Wiranto akan menindak tegas jika ada massa yang nekat melakukan unjuk rasa dikawasan Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) jelang pengumuman sidang sengketa Pilpres 2019.

"Kepolisian sudah katakan jangan sampai ada unjuk rasa disekitar MK, karena apa? Akan mengganggu kegiatan yang menyangkut kepentingan nasional. Kalau ada yang nekat, ada demonstrasi bahkan menimbulkan kerusuhan, saya tinggal cari saja. Demonstrasi itu kan ada yang mengajak, ada yang mendorong, menghasut nanti kan kita tinggal tau siapa tokoh yang bertanggung jawab itu. Tinggal kami cari tokohnya, kami tangkap saja karena menimbulkan kerusuhan," kata Wiranto di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (25/6/2019).

Sebelumnya, Front Pembala Islam atau FPI menyatakan akan melakukan unjuk rasa menjelang putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK).

Wiranto pun mempertayakan latar belakang dan tujuan melakukan unjuk rasa di kawasan Gedung MK tersebut.

"Yang diperjuangkan apa, tadinya FPI kan dukung Prabowo-Sandi tatkala yang didukung mengatakan ayo kita damai saja, menjaga suasana bersahabat, terima keputusan MK, apapun keputusan itu, lalu kalau FPI turun ke jalan apa yang diperjuangkan saya mau tanya. Kalau mereka tetap turun ke jalan dan menimbulkan kerusuhan tinggal saya cari yang bertanggung jawab siapa," ancam mantan Panglima ABRI itu.

Mantan Ketua Umun Hanura ini pun mengatakan, bahwa proses sengketa Pilpres dalam jalur konstitusi sudah jalur yang tepat. Maka dari itu semua pihak seharusnya menghormati apapun keputusan MK nantinya.

"Kita jangan main-main masalah keamanan nasional, kita sudah masuk dalam konsep yang benar, dalam koridor yang benar. Kebebasan boleh tetapi kan ada toleransi hukum yang menjaga kebebasan untuk tidak sebebas bebasnya, kebebasan tidak menggangu kebebasan orang lain, kebebasan tidak ganggu keamanan nasional, ada toleransi hukum. Jika toleransi hukum dilanggar, dilewati ya kita tinggal menindak aja kok siapa tokohnya itu siapa," ucapnya. [ts]

Minggu, 17 Februari 2019

Cara Menambahkan Video Youtube ke Ms Excel

Menambahkan video youtube ke Ms Excel adalah tutorial yang akan saya bahas pada artikel ini. Microsoft Office Excel telah ada selama beberapa waktu sebagai aplikasi spreadsheet yang populer. Dari sekolah hingga bisnis, ini telah banyak digunakan sebagai alat untuk menyimpan data dan segala macam rumus.

Microsoft Office Excel juga populer untuk menganalisis dan menyajikan informasi kuantitatif

Jumat, 28 Desember 2018

Minggu, 02 Desember 2018

Sabtu, 24 November 2018

Senin, 17 September 2018

Ceiling Track Lighting as Modern Lamps in Futuristic Interior Design

There are some awesome ceiling track lighting ideas which can increase the room performance. They are applied in the some rooms like kitchen, living room, dining room and etc. Usually, this lamp style is applied into the kitchen. Now we will show you the appearance of the kitchens and the billiard room which apply this lamp design. There are many lamp styles here. If you love this lamp design, you can see them through these pictures here.

Here are the pictures of the rooms which apply this lamp model. See the kitchen. This kitchen applies kitchen ceiling track lighting. These are created with silver lampshade with stainless stick. Under this lamp is the black cabinet with glossy countertop. There are some colorful cafe chairs next to the cabinet. It is modern kitchen. They stand on the oak flooring. See the next kitchen. The lamp is designed with white lampshade. The cabinet is designed with black countertop. There are sink and faucet on this cabinet.
Then, the next kitchen is designed in simple concept. The wooden storage and wooden cabinet are applied in this kitchen. The cabinet is designed with white marble countertop. This cabinet is designed with double bowl sink and stainless faucet. In the drawer, you can put the books in that cabinet. These are standing above the oak flooring. Above the cabinet are the lamps. They are orange lampshades.
The next room is the billiard room. The billiard is designed with some furniture designs. The wooden billiard room stands in the middle of the room. Above the billiard are the glass lamp bulbs. There are some brown armchairs around this billiard. In front of the armchairs is the wooden table. There is fireplace in this room. This is designed by glass fireplace screen. This is one of drop ceiling track lighting models with great inspiration design.

Umbrella Table with Patio Furniture for Modern Outdoor Living Space

This time, we will give special performance of umbrella table. There are kind of special furniture designs. They can create lovely rooms. They can be applied into interior and exterior home performances. Do you want to see these lovely rooms to increase your room performance? If the answer is yes, you can see these pictures here. They are very beautiful rooms. Absolutely, they are so cheerful and wonderful. Please take a look for these pictures to get more detail.

These are the pictures which we are talking about. See, the room is designed in the living room. This room has blue bed. There are some blue pillows on this bed. It is comfortable bed for kids. This room has glass windows. This room is decorated with white wall and oak flooring. This room has one of beautiful umbrella table decorations in the world. See the bedroom then. The bed is created with white bed, flower pattern, pattern pillows and white headboard.
See the performance of the lovely living room. This is designed with white armchairs with white pillows. In front of them are the wooden tables. In the corner of the room is small table. There are beautiful flowers on the glass vase. In front of them is the white storage. In the middle of the storage is television screen. This room is designed with oak ceiling. This room has unique lampshade with candles in the inside.
Let’s see the performance of the share bedroom. The white beds stand in the corner of the room. These beds are designed with flower pattern blanket. There are some cute pattern pillows. Then, this room is designed with flower wallpaper. Then, the next room is living for the girl. The pink corner sofa stands on the super soft white feather carpet. This room is decorated with blue wall. The last picture shows umbrella table stands with natural sensation.